bab 77 - the next phase is coming!
hello everybody...long time no updates huh?..i've been asked for many times why didnt i update this lame blog. nothin shud i said but 'busy' even i'm not that busy since i've got so many times at home. huhu.. whatever..
today i'm blogging again just to show my happiness knowing one new. it's a very deep feeling..not everyone will feel it.. such a very deep feeling. seriously!
dear someone, i hereby welcome you and advise you to keep practise to say 'hello world' in the next 8 months. insyaAllah!
today i'm blogging again just to show my happiness knowing one new. it's a very deep feeling..not everyone will feel it.. such a very deep feeling. seriously!
dear someone, i hereby welcome you and advise you to keep practise to say 'hello world' in the next 8 months. insyaAllah!
i can see the blink-blink face through ur writing!hehe
insyaAllah.may everything goes fine within 8 months
Anonymous, At
9:07 AM
woah.. suda mau ada fitri jr ke? huhu.. tahniahhh...
Azmir Abdullah, At
4:43 PM
insyaAllah..hihi..may evrything goes well
afitri, At
7:30 PM
Anonymous, At
10:46 AM
hihi..tenkiu bery-bery mac the penagih kopi.. :P, nnt kitorang pass baton!
afitri, At
10:23 AM
congrats fitri...
Anonymous, At
8:48 PM
heheh..maseh.. i think i know who the latest anonymous is!
afitri, At
6:49 PM
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