bab 80 - not on phone, tired, baby clothes
hihihi...nope..nope..i'm not a papa yet (refer bab 79)..sabo..sabo.. and with reference to the subject above.. they are not related to each read it seperately!
1. oh time to write something here again since my wife is now with her family; have an outing for dinner together-gether ..and me? what shud i do?..hmm.. here i am..doing nothin' but looking something to do before a pantun pulak. normally i will on phone wif her at this time and since she is 'busy', it could be a reason why i'm blogging tonite...boring~
3. actually..what is the rite time to buy baby clothes? i still do not prepare anything. i planned this coming december while she's 7 month pregnant.. ok kot that time..hope she'll still be able to walk here and there looking for the baby clothes..hmm what else i shud do and prepare a? flight tickets is a must! argh..cant think right now..need her to discuss about it..i know she did so much researches almost everyday ( and i'll try to list it here so that you readers could give some comment if we missed something.. and you guys especially who had experienced on this, be pleased to share it here.. ok..time to sleep..she's not blogging today coz today is friday (her holiday), so..i got nothing to read before zzzZZZzz.. and....and.....and...what else? nothing dah kot...okey bye..see you then...
p/s: o dear, have a sweet dream..may everything goes well..insyaAllah!
1. oh time to write something here again since my wife is now with her family; have an outing for dinner together-gether ..and me? what shud i do?..hmm.. here i am..doing nothin' but looking something to do before a pantun pulak. normally i will on phone wif her at this time and since she is 'busy', it could be a reason why i'm blogging tonite...boring~
2. i'm a little bit tired coz the whole day at work (plus overtime lagik even will never be paid) was spent for checking, updating the HRDD document line by line.. and it is hundred of pages..have to bring all the document back and finish 'em up before monday. dat's why i missed nazran's invitation..(he treated friends today..what did they eat a?? bes..bes.. since i'm in a very good mood for eating lately, so, quite frustrated couldnt join them..and also missed a kenduri doa selamat of mr.dolmat; the neighbour, he's going to baitullah tomorrow....mmm..yeah..i am mengidam maybe..and this is my second time feeling like dis..have a very very very very big appetite compared to before) work hard bro! new government attitude keyh.. hahahah...suddenly remember our gmail group: scutm; had a topic about government vs private..and as for me..both are the same..
3. actually..what is the rite time to buy baby clothes? i still do not prepare anything. i planned this coming december while she's 7 month pregnant.. ok kot that time..hope she'll still be able to walk here and there looking for the baby clothes..hmm what else i shud do and prepare a? flight tickets is a must! argh..cant think right now..need her to discuss about it..i know she did so much researches almost everyday ( and i'll try to list it here so that you readers could give some comment if we missed something.. and you guys especially who had experienced on this, be pleased to share it here.. ok..time to sleep..she's not blogging today coz today is friday (her holiday), so..i got nothing to read before zzzZZZzz.. and....and.....and...what else? nothing dah kot...okey bye..see you then...
p/s: o dear, have a sweet dream..may everything goes well..insyaAllah!
hehe... cayang sy kembali rancak menulis, syabbas, syabbas... hihi...
alah... mcmla kte gi lame sgt, awk tu yg balik keje lambat... kiki... sian die kan, tp xpela, da 2 ari leh rehat nih...
insyaAllah, bln doblas kang kite sopim2 k... araple masih larat... hehe...
mypolariS, At
2:27 PM
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