bab 83 - suddenly..
aha.. suddenly it comes to me..come..come.. (calling for mood) it attaches on me and i do worry it goes fastly.. aha.. for those who lambat pikap what i'm chatting is..actually, what i mean is...the mood of writing..ok. enough.. i have to type it fast so that this time its not to be saved as draft..hope so.
ok what a long time not writing here..nevermind.. oh why i'm so kelam kabut now? calm down fitri..calm down..ok.. have a deep breath..ok..fuhh...
ok..first of all i wanna say hello and happy mother's day and a happy father's day to all.. even tho mother's day had passed and father's day will be in next 3 weeks.. but the wishes are wished for whom may it concerned. ahah.. for friends who now have been father and mother.. happy father's and mother's day. u get me? yaa..the day u called mother or father.. that's the day we call father's or mother's day.. aha..brilliant me.. kakakakka.. wokey..
as for now.. i've called father or ayah for about 3 months ago.. i was so excited on 27th of February 2010 when my wife had delivered our comey sangat baby namely Khaira Yafi binti Ahmad Fitri.
talking about the experience.. wah.. so many new experience i faced a few weeks before and after the birthdate. i dont know whether i need to share here or not since i yet never read any blog who shared the best so called story..... ok..i'll shared if there's a ..anyway.. if there're a lot of request for it.. ahaks.
so..that's one of good news. the second one is.. i dont know whether it's a good or sad news.. aha.. actually now i'm not working at JPA anymore.. i'm now one of JKSM staffs. u know what JKSM is right? dont say no.. cause when i said JPA..owh..everybody know la that's stands for Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam, Malaysia even some people still confuse with JPA3.. ohohoh... okey.. JKSM is stands for Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia wah or in english i could say it is known as Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia. long explaination which i think i shud not explain too much. ok. stop.. wah wah.. sometimes.. a little bit sad since i actually dont like to change-change job u know.. yeah.. need to find new friends.. (its good actually to have more friends..but dont like to start from zero... hai selamat kenalan...nama saya yada..yada...) but have to; because this is the only chance i have to be wif my family in my hometown.. terengganu.
so many people ask me why i'm goin back working at state in my young age. anyway.. i have reason for it. they olwes ask me to find job for my wife here (in K.L) so that i no need to change department and go back to state (terengganu). i had made a condition before and it happened as it planned. as we're trying to find a way to make me live together ( u guys shud know before read this chapter..please refer to the previous-previous chapter..that we now live seperately..wife in terengganu..working there.. and i'm in lembah klang), i said to her..i'll look for chances if i could back to state and she also find her new job in k.l. and the condition begins when i put a word on her that, after she finished her pantang (after khaira was born) and if i have no chance to back to state..she will be here..working here. but what really happened is.. i have chance back to terengganu before she finished her pantang and it will be next week i will be back to home town.. live and working there.. if i have to come back to k.l maybe one time.. i will do. insyaAllah.. its all about rezeki. ahh...dont want to talk about it anymore.. next week i'll be in terengganu.. yeay.. as my wife said..
"we dont know how long yet we are alive and this is the time we shud take the chance to live together with our family.. to live for them.."
i suddenly thought that since 2001.. i left the home..further study..working.. until now.. i had married..have child.. still far away from them..i dont wanna regret at the end of the day.
ok..stop for it and lets talk about what i've been now..really..really now.. at this time.. while i'm writing this..i think i shud say here..may be people out there used to faced the problem as i do right now. i olwes hungry!..haha.. ok..ok.. gelak..gelak.. but it's true.. almost plus minus 3 to 4 hours after meal.. i will hungry again.. and eat.. and hungry again.. if this thing happened continuosly.. i will be a very fatty man.. owh.. that's the thing i'm so concious in life..huhu.. so sad.. need to see doctor lah i think.. kan..kan.. ok lah.. i shud stop for now lah.. wanna eat benjo i just bought.. what to do.. this perut is olwes hungry.. so worried la.. if not.. i will be loya-loya.. (not because of anything keyh.. dont think tooo far) mau muntah-muntah if let my perut empty.. huhu... bye for now.. i dont know i could write something here again or not since after this (next week) i will move to new envirionment of life..this time pun because i saw one of my colleauge in facebook put her status 'updating my blog after a year' so i suddenly remember my blog.. and have some mood to write some..ok lah, see ya if have time.. daa...
ok what a long time not writing here..nevermind.. oh why i'm so kelam kabut now? calm down fitri..calm down..ok.. have a deep breath..ok..fuhh...
ok..first of all i wanna say hello and happy mother's day and a happy father's day to all.. even tho mother's day had passed and father's day will be in next 3 weeks.. but the wishes are wished for whom may it concerned. ahah.. for friends who now have been father and mother.. happy father's and mother's day. u get me? yaa..the day u called mother or father.. that's the day we call father's or mother's day.. aha..brilliant me.. kakakakka.. wokey..
as for now.. i've called father or ayah for about 3 months ago.. i was so excited on 27th of February 2010 when my wife had delivered our comey sangat baby namely Khaira Yafi binti Ahmad Fitri.
talking about the experience.. wah.. so many new experience i faced a few weeks before and after the birthdate. i dont know whether i need to share here or not since i yet never read any blog who shared the best so called story..... ok..i'll shared if there's a ..anyway.. if there're a lot of request for it.. ahaks.
so..that's one of good news. the second one is.. i dont know whether it's a good or sad news.. aha.. actually now i'm not working at JPA anymore.. i'm now one of JKSM staffs. u know what JKSM is right? dont say no.. cause when i said JPA..owh..everybody know la that's stands for Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam, Malaysia even some people still confuse with JPA3.. ohohoh... okey.. JKSM is stands for Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia wah or in english i could say it is known as Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia. long explaination which i think i shud not explain too much. ok. stop.. wah wah.. sometimes.. a little bit sad since i actually dont like to change-change job u know.. yeah.. need to find new friends.. (its good actually to have more friends..but dont like to start from zero... hai selamat kenalan...nama saya yada..yada...) but have to; because this is the only chance i have to be wif my family in my hometown.. terengganu.
so many people ask me why i'm goin back working at state in my young age. anyway.. i have reason for it. they olwes ask me to find job for my wife here (in K.L) so that i no need to change department and go back to state (terengganu). i had made a condition before and it happened as it planned. as we're trying to find a way to make me live together ( u guys shud know before read this chapter..please refer to the previous-previous chapter..that we now live seperately..wife in terengganu..working there.. and i'm in lembah klang), i said to her..i'll look for chances if i could back to state and she also find her new job in k.l. and the condition begins when i put a word on her that, after she finished her pantang (after khaira was born) and if i have no chance to back to state..she will be here..working here. but what really happened is.. i have chance back to terengganu before she finished her pantang and it will be next week i will be back to home town.. live and working there.. if i have to come back to k.l maybe one time.. i will do. insyaAllah.. its all about rezeki. ahh...dont want to talk about it anymore.. next week i'll be in terengganu.. yeay.. as my wife said..
"we dont know how long yet we are alive and this is the time we shud take the chance to live together with our family.. to live for them.."
i suddenly thought that since 2001.. i left the home..further study..working.. until now.. i had married..have child.. still far away from them..i dont wanna regret at the end of the day.
ok..stop for it and lets talk about what i've been now..really..really now.. at this time.. while i'm writing this..i think i shud say here..may be people out there used to faced the problem as i do right now. i olwes hungry!..haha.. ok..ok.. gelak..gelak.. but it's true.. almost plus minus 3 to 4 hours after meal.. i will hungry again.. and eat.. and hungry again.. if this thing happened continuosly.. i will be a very fatty man.. owh.. that's the thing i'm so concious in life..huhu.. so sad.. need to see doctor lah i think.. kan..kan.. ok lah.. i shud stop for now lah.. wanna eat benjo i just bought.. what to do.. this perut is olwes hungry.. so worried la.. if not.. i will be loya-loya.. (not because of anything keyh.. dont think tooo far) mau muntah-muntah if let my perut empty.. huhu... bye for now.. i dont know i could write something here again or not since after this (next week) i will move to new envirionment of life..this time pun because i saw one of my colleauge in facebook put her status 'updating my blog after a year' so i suddenly remember my blog.. and have some mood to write some..ok lah, see ya if have time.. daa...