bab 59 - team medical dragon
i just finished watching the season two of 'team medical dragon' and of course i did watch the first season. i thought both seasons were did very well as i am a layman and know nothing about medical. i don't know what the real doctor will say while watching this series. however, they make me addicted watching dat. can't help to wait the next season be released. so, this is the review of the series, do find and watch dat. u will love it.

- Sakaguchi Kenji as Asada Ryutaro
- Uchida Yuki as Kataoka Kazumi
- Koike Teppei as Ijyuuin Noboru
- Otsuka Nene as Kodaka Nanami
- Kitamura Kazuki as Kirishima Gunji
- Abe Sadao as Arase Monji
- Mizukawa Asami as Satohara Miki
- Sasaki Kuranosuke as Fujiyoshi Keisuke
- Natsuki Mari as Kito Shoko
- Kishibe Ittoku as Noguchi Takeo
- Ikeda Tetsuhiro as Kihara Takehiko
- Sato Jiro as Matsudaira Kotaro
- Shiga Kotaro as Zenda Hideki
- Takahashi Issei as Toyama Seiji
- Nakamura Yasuhi as Nomura Hirohito
- Title: 医龍 Team Medical Dragon
- Title (romaji): Iryu Team Medical Dragon
- Also known as: Team Medical Dragon
- Genre: Medical
- Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Season 1
- Episodes: 11
- Viewership ratings: 14.75%
- Broadcast period: 2006-Apr-13 to 2006-Jun-29
- Air time: Thursday 22:00
- Theme song: Believe by AI
Ryutaro Asada, a renegade but brilliant surgeon, was being framed for a misdiagnosis and let go by the North Japanese Hospital. He went into exile and lived in a seaside shack when he was visited by Akira Kato, assistant professor of the Faculty of Cardiac Surgery at Meishin University Medical Hospital.
Despite being a female doctor, Akira managed to become an assistant professor. She was ambitious and set her goal to be promoted to full professor by succeeding in a surgery using the Batista technique — an extremely difficult type of heart surgery — and to write a paper on it. A year ago, Akira witnessed Ryutaro's skills when he was an NGO doctor and was impressed enough to seek his assistance in the Batista technique.
This drama exposed the difficulties encountered in the rigid Japanese medical professions in treating patients whereby decisions made were based more on protecting the hospitals than the patients.
Season 2
- Episodes: 11
- Viewership ratings: 16.8(Kanto)
- Broadcast period: 2007-Oct-11 to 2007-Dec-20
- Air time: Thursday 22:00
- Theme song: ONE by AI
In Iryu 2, Asada Ryutaro wages a new battle against the realities of Japan's medical care system. The government has drafted legislation to tackle the recent inflation of medical fees; hospitals have entered an era in which they will go bankrupt if they aren't independently run. At the same time, hospital mergers and takeovers are also taking place. Additionally, the obstetrics and pediatrics departments are being closed in succession, and there are inadequate doctors in the region - issues that are closely related to these hospital management problems. Now, hospitals, like the average corporation, face collapse if they are not profitable. -- jade_frost
kalau udah nengok sampai abih tu..meh ler bg temann pinjam pulakk...temann mmg x boleh nengok hero jepun2 yg hensem ni...
wildcatz, At
8:48 AM
nnt jumpe baru aku bg ko..
Anonymous, At
12:25 PM
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