bab 66 - nothing

mm..i'm getting bored lately.. do nothing at home..continue the routines.. but, do we have choice? maybe we have..but sometimes we're not. why do i say dat? we have choice if we start doing something..however, there's a price to pay.. need to think what to do, where to go, when to start and of course how much will we spent.. and we have no choice if we choose not to do it.. for example, i believe all of us have same opinion with me..
now, think you are boring and wanna go somewhere, or wanna do something.. with family, partner or even friends.. and the things shud be well planned, need to check others' free slot, have to consider where to go, when to start.. oh god..takes time and finally it turns to be canceled. frustrated right? and then u will find yourself in no choice situation. got it? simple.
argh..forget it. sometimes i really want to have great holiday..visit somewhere.. but to think it's quite hard to plan, it always be daydreaming. yeah..ok..stop now..hard to stop thinking if i start dreaming again. i've been on leave and actually i got MC. tomorrow will continue working and one day long i did think the work left at office.. lots to finish..what to do, its important to get well so dat i can start doing job more efficient. haha.. i dont know what to write about..nothing cross in mind.. once again, it shows me in a very boring day..
ok, see you then my blog readers.. as days turn months, i cant wait to live together wif her before months turn years. daaa...
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