bab 61 - have u experienced this?

i cant accept 'child's' reason. i'm the one who knows whether the reason is right or just a lousy reason. i'm down because of it. i really down when i notice i'm given the dishonest reason. it's my bad to know or predict a thing (with some proves and experiences) before they give me the reason. once the reason given is different from my prediction and illogical 'plus' cannot be adopted, i'll turn to crazy me. ok, fine! hide as u can! what's so hard to tell the truth?
unfair. if someone u know decline your proposal but do accept the others' and the proposal is just the same. what do u feel if things happened right in front of u. unfair isn't it?
what do u feel if u are waiting with full of hope and the end of it, u'll find yourself waiting for nobody, waiting for nothing and to make it more dramatic, they know u're waiting and pretend to be dont know or just ignore u.
smile. have to smile even its hard. have to laugh for hiding sadness.
there're a lot to write everything here but all those things make me mad for nothin' (they said). but what i'm going to say here is, we live together in this small world and in life we're actually playing our own role in our own part. be a good actor coz u're not going to live alone. appreciate the others doesn't make u poor but u'll get more than u have.